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The Racing Horse is genuinely excited! From tomorrow morning onwards we will receive betting advice from The Winning Angle (Dave Pulham). There is a dedicated Home Page ready to receive nominations and post all results.

The Winning Angle is a system-based approach using a form of the Pareto Principle. The Racing Horse had been unaware of this principle despite using a model of it within our own betting for many years.

The Pareto Principle is also known as the 80/20 rule where it states 80% of outcomes come from 20% of causes. The idea is attributed to Italian Vilfredo Pareto, who in 1906 observed that 80% of the land in Italy was owned by 20% of the population.

The ubiquitous nature of these power laws applies to businesses and even spread to our personal lives. There is nothing intrinsically special about these relative proportions they just describe the relationships across many dimensions. What is interesting to note, particularly for bettors, is how the Pareto Principle can be applied to accurate betting prediction.

Mathematics are the governing force of horse racing betting and many disregard the accuracy of the market place, but there are 5 historical and concrete numbers that must be acknowledged before wagering. These numbers clearly live and exist within the Pareto Principle.

  • Winning favourites 33%
  • Winning favourites in non-handicaps 36%
  • Winning favourites in handicaps 28%
  • First and second favourites in non-handicaps 55%
  • Top 5 in the betting 85%

 Just by accepting the Pareto Principle and strike rates above makes for a more informed bettor.

Industry figures show 98% of those who bet lose over the long-term so joining the 2% club is the most difficult task, difficult but not impossible! 

This brings us back to The Winning Angle and their proven principle. The Racing Horse's advice to the reader before staking substantially is to:

  • consider and decide if this type of wager suits your betting mentality
  • paper trade for a predetermined time frame
  • back nominations to small stakes and monitor

This is a system, so those who dip in and out of the nominations might find themselves employing personal bias, so in effect losing the drive and thrust of the system.

In part contradiction TRH has long believed that there are 4 corners to a betting slip, they include trainer form, requisite class, optimum ground and distance conditions and jockeyship. So, on a personal note, we will stake all betting advice from The Winning Angle that satisfies these filters. The beauty of this system (from what we have witnessed to date), is that it incorporates these factors.

If the reader has any questions regarding this principle, please email:


Our information and betting advice is for educational purposes only. Please exercise caution when acting upon our advice and remember that gambling carries risk. No liability is taken by the site or product owner following any of the information given or sold to you. Betting always involves a level of risk, and you should never bet more than you can afford to lose

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